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Details on transfer payment programs

Funding to conduct consultation activities, primarily with Indigenous groups who could be affected by the Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline project

Start date September 1, 2011
End date March 31, 2021
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation The program is appropriated annually through Estimates.
Fiscal year for terms
and conditions
Link to departmental
The Northern Pipeline Agency (NPA) will maintain the appropriate minimum level of preparation activities for a regulatory framework, so as to remain prepared to ramp up quickly to effectively regulate and facilitate the planning and construction of the pipeline should the project proceed.
Link to the department’s
Program Inventory
Oversee and regulate the planning and construction of the Canadian portion of the Alaska Highway Natural Gas Pipeline Project
Purpose and objectives of
transfer payment program
This transfer payment program that the Northern Pipeline Agency (NPA) administers is intended for engagement and consultations on the Alaska Highway Natural Gas Pipeline project as it aligns with the objectives of the Northern Pipeline Act (Act). The purpose of this funding is to encourage and facilitate effective participation by Indigenous peoples and communities, and others, including individuals and not-for-profit organizations, to ensure their concerns are taken into account in the federal decision-making process under the Act. This funding will enable meaningful participation where capacity would normally be an impediment for communities or organizations to participate in the NPA activities.
Results achieved No contributions were issued in 2020-21.
Findings of audits completed
in 2020-21
No audits were conducted in 2020-21 and none are planned.
Findings of evaluations
completed in 2020-21
No evaluation was completed in 2020-21, as no contributions were issued.
Engagement of applicants
and recipients in 2020-21
No engagement was required nor undertaken in 2020-21.
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2018–19 Actual
2019–20 Actual
2020–21 Planned
2020–21 Total
authorities available for use
2020–21 Actual
spending (authorities used)
Variance (2020–21 actual minus 2020–21 planned)
Total grants n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Total contributions 0 0 540,000 540,000 0 (540,000)
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 0 0 540,000 540,000 0 (540,000)
Explanation of variances No funding to conduct consultation activities was required in 2020-21.

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