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2021-22 Reporting on Green Procurement

This supplementary information table supports reporting on green procurement activities in accordance with the Policy on Green Procurement.


Although the Northern Pipeline Agency is not bound by the Federal Sustainable Development Act and is not required to develop a full Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy (DSDS), the Northern Pipeline Agency adheres to the principles of the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) by complying with the Policy on Green Procurement.

The Policy on Green Procurement supports the Government of Canada’s effort to promote environmental stewardship. In keeping with the objectives of the policy, the Northern Pipeline Agency supports sustainable development by integrating environmental performance considerations into the procurement decision making process through the actions described in the 2019 to 2022 FSDS “Greening Government” goal.


Greening Government: The Government of Canada will transition to low-carbon, climate-resilient, and green operations.

FSDS target: Actions supporting the Greening Government goal and the Policy on Green Procurement

Greening Government
FSDS contributing action Corresponding departmental actions Starting points, Performance indicators and Targets Results achieved Contribution by each departmental result to the FSDS goal and target
Departments will use environmental criteria to reduce the environmental impact and ensure best value in government procurement decisions

Set departmental targets to reduce the environmental impact of specific goods or services:

1. Accommodation stays will take place in establishments that have a high environmental rating based on an industry recognized tool.

Starting Point: Unknown

Performance indicator:
Percentage of accommodation stays that meet the target objective relative to the total number of all accommodation stays in the given year.

Target: 90% by March 31, 2022

Result: In 2021-22, no accommodation stays occurred by staff.

Green procurement incorporates environmental criteria into purchasing decisions. Procurement agents who are trained to apply such criteria can award contracts to suppliers with a reduced GHG footprint. This is expected to motivate suppliers to reduce GHG emissions associated with their goods, services and supply chains.

SDG 12 – Target 12.7

2. Toner cartridges are recycled at end of life.

Starting Point: Unknown

Performance indicator:
Percentage of toner cartridges recycled relative to the total volume of toner cartridges purchased in the given year.

Target: 90% by March 31, 2022

Result: In 2021-22, no toner cartridges needed to be recycled at end of life.

Green procurement incorporates environmental criteria into purchasing decisions. Procurement agents who are trained to apply such criteria can award contracts to suppliers with a reduced GHG footprint. This is expected to motivate suppliers to reduce GHG emissions associated with their goods, services and supply chains.

SDG 12 – Target 12.7

Ensure environmental considerations are taken into account in procurement activities by including green procurement objectives in the Performance Management Agreements for key procurement staff.

Starting Point: Unknown

Performance indicator:
Percentage of key procurement staff whose Performance Management Agreements includes green procurement objectives.

Target: 100% by March 31, 2022

Result: In 2021-22, the NPA did not have procurement staff.

Green procurement incorporates environmental criteria into purchasing decisions. Procurement agents who are trained to apply such criteria can award contracts to suppliers with a reduced GHG footprint. This is expected to motivate suppliers to reduce GHG emissions associated with their goods, services and supply chains.

SDG 12 – Target 12.7

Support for green procurement will be strengthened, including guidance, tools and training for public service employees

Enhance capacity to incorporate environmental performance consideration into procurement decisions by requiring that all new acquisition cardholders take green procurement training within one year of hire.

Starting Point: Unknown

Performance indicator:
Percentage of acquisition cardholders that take green procurement training within one year of hire.

Target: 100% by March 31, 2022

Result: In 2021-22, the NPA did not have any acquisition cardholders.

Green procurement incorporates environmental criteria into purchasing decisions. Procurement agents who are trained to apply such criteria can award contracts to suppliers with a reduced GHG footprint. This is expected to motivate suppliers to reduce GHG emissions associated with their goods, services and supply chains.

SDG 12 – Target 12.7

Report on integrating sustainable development

During the 2021–22 reporting cycle, the Northern Pipeline Agency had no proposals that required a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and no public statements were produced.

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